The Asia Cohort Consortium

ACC Meetings

November 2015 Meeting in Tokyo, Japan

Please join us in Tokyo for the Asia Cohort Consortium Meeting November 9-10, 2015

Meeting Overview:

The purpose of this meeting is to update members on ACC developments, including cohort progress and cross-cohort activities, and discuss advances in the field which further the ACC mission.


Please fill out the online registration form by September 18, 2015.New Contents

Anyone who is interested in the ACC meeting and its projects is welcome to attend.

Call for Project Proposals:

We invite new project proposals to be considered at our November 2015 meeting. Submitted proposals will be sent to the Executive Committee (EC) for initial review, and the ones that are deemed scientifically sound will be slated for review at the General Membership Meeting. For more details on proposal submission, please click here

Proposals that do not follow this format will be returned to the author for resubmission.

Project proposals should be emailed to the Coordinating Center by September 18, 2015.

Meeting Details: 

All meetings will be held at: 

 Fukutake Learning Theater, The University of Tokyo (
    7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 Japan.
    Tel: +81-3-5841-0328

Map of area around the ACC meeting site

Subway map of Tokyo

Meeting Program:  

Monday, November 9 Meeting






08:00 – 09:30

Executive Committee meeting

Executive Committee

(Paolo & Habib on skype)




09:00 – 09:30

Registration & Coffee


09:30 – 09:40

Introduction & opening remarks

Manami Inoue




09:40 – 10:00

Cohort updates

Cohort PIs




10:00 – 10:15

Updates from the ACC Coordinating Center

Eiko Saito/Manami Inoue




10:15 – 11:00

Update on current ACC projects (I)



Population Attributable Fraction

John Potter


Tea/coffee intake and mortality

Sangah Shin/Jung Eun Lee




11:00 – 11:20

Coffee break





11:20 – 12:00

Update on current ACC projects (II)



Diabetes and cancer risk

Yingsong Lin


BMI and gastroesophageal cancer

Sue K Park




12:00 – 12:05

Group photo


12:05 – 13:30

Lunch (on-site)





13:30 – 15:10

Educational Session (I):

Real time modeling response of Todai to Middle East

respiratory syndrome epidemic (MERS) in the Republic

of Korea


Hiroshi Nishiura

The University of Tokyo



Educational Session (II):Dietary modulation of oxidative stress in humans: the Red-Ox dilemma

Funded by JSPS Invitation Fellowship for Research

in Japan 2015

Mauro Serafini, Functional

Food and Metabolic Stress Prevention Laboratory,

CREA Food and Nutrition,





15:10 – 15:30

Coffee break





15:30 – 17:30

Study tour around Tokyo on the way to group dinner





18:00 – 20:00

Group dinner at traditional Japanese restaurant (Kappo style)

Kappo Sanshuya


Tuesday, November 10 Meeting 








09:30 – 10:10

Update on current ACC projects (III)



Body mass index and risk of lymphoma

Brian Chiu


Air pollution and cancer

Roel Vermeulen/Qing Lan/

Nat Rothman




10:10 – 10:40

New project proposals (I)



Sleep hours and disease incidence/mortality risk

Thomas Svensson


Smokeless tobacco and mortality

Rashmi Sinha




10:40 – 11:00

Coffee break





11:00 – 11:40

New project proposals (II)



Mortality risk prediction for Asian population: dynamic Bayesian approach and machine learning algorithms

Sue Kyung Park


Diagnosed with ESRD and comorbidity and death

Sue Kyung Park


New cohort: Vietnam Cohort Study

Ngoan Tran Le




11:40 – 12:00

General discussion and closing remarks





12:00 – 13:00

Lunch (on-site)





13:00 – 15:30

Working Group meetings (coffee included)          

Ÿ   Tea & Coffee Project

Ÿ   (To be confirmed)


Jung Eun Lee




16:00 onwards

Guided Ramen Noodle Tour



Hotel Information: 

Due to the high season, participants are requested to arrange their own accommodations well in advance. Some of the recommended hotels are as follows;

<Around the University of Tokyo>

1. Forest Hongo

2. Hotel Kizankan

3. Hotel Park Side

4. Mitsui Garden Hotel Ueno

5. Hotel Villa Fontaine Ueno



1. Tokyo Dome Hotel

2. Richmond Hotel Tokyo Suidobashi

3. Hotel Niwa Tokyo


 <Around Asakusa>

1. Asakusa Central Hotel

2. Asakusa View Hotel

3. Richmond Hotel Asakusa


Hosted by: 

Professor Manami Inoue

AXA Department of Health and Human Security, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo


   The ACC Coordinating Center
    AXA Department of Health and Human Security
    Graduate School of Medicine
    The University of Tokyo
    7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, JAPAN
    Tel: +81-(0)3-5841-3688      

Visa Information: 

 Please email the ACC Coordinating Center ( for an invitation letter for your visa.