The Asia Cohort Consortium

ACC Meetings

October 22, 2021 General Membership Meeting (Online Meeting)

Would you like to join in the zoom meeting on October 22nd (21st in the US) to review on-going ACC projects and discuss new proposals? 

Meeting Overview:

ACC is going to hold an Online General Membership Meeting to review on-going projects, working groups, introducing new cohorts and discuss new proposals. 

Meeting Details: 

October 22nd, 9am-11am JST/KST (Oct. 21st in the US.)
Zoom Meeting 
Anyone who is interested in the ACC projects can join the meeting online from anywhere.

[Meeting time in the relevant time zones]
Friday, October 22. 13:00-15:00 NZDT (New Zealand Daylight Time)
Friday, October 22, 11:00-13:00 AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)
Friday, October 22, 09:00-11:00 JST (Japan Standard Time) KST (Korea Standard Time)
Friday, October 22, 02:00-04:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time)
Friday, October 22, 01:00-03:00 BST (British Summer Time)
Thursday October 21, 21:00-23:00 ART (Argentina Time)
Thursday October 21, 20:00-22:00 EDT (Eastern Daylight Time, USA)
Thursday October 21, 18:00-20:00 MDT (Mountain Daylight Time, USA)
Thursday October 21, 17:00-19:00 PDT (Pacific Daylight Time, USA) 


Registration for the GMM has been closed, ACC members may contact the Coordinating Center directly for late registration


1. Welcome  (Manami Inoue)
2. Update from the Coordinating Center (Sarah K. Abe)
3. New Cohorts  (Wei Zheng)
    a.  Taiwan MJ Cohort  (Chi Pang Wen/Wayne Gao)
4. Projects  (Nat Rothman/Sarah Abe) 
    a.  Breast Cancer Risk and Early Exposure (Ji-Yeob Choi)
    b.  Reproductive factors and Endometrial cancer risk (Ryoko Katagiri)
    c.  Association of Reproductive and female hormonal factors with Gallbladder cancer risk (Aesun Shin)
    d.  BMI and gastroesophageal cancer and Association between cardiometabolic multimorbidity and specific mortality (Sue Park)
    e.  Association of adult height with cause-specific and total mortality (Zhenhuang Zhuang/Tao Huang)
    f.   Diabetes and risk of liver cancer (Nhan Thi Ho)
    g.  Family history, diabetes mellitus of gastric cancer and risk of gastric cancer (Dan Huang/Katherine De la Torre)
    h.  Household Air Pollution Consortium-HAPCO (Dean Hosgood)
    i.   Evaluation and Development of Risk Prediction Models for Use in Lung Cancer Screening models (JJ Yang/ Xiao-Ou Shu)
    j.  Estimating the absolute and attributable risk of lung cancer in never-smokers  (Batel Blechter/Qing Lan)
    k.  Coffee and tea drinking and liver cancer incidence and mortality from chronic liver diseases in Asian population (Jung Eun Lee/Hyun Jeong Cho)
5.  New Proposals (Keitaro Matsuo)
    a.  The Impact of Reproductive and Hormonal Factors on the Risk of Thyroid Cancer in Women (Aesun Shin)
6. Discussion (Paolo Boffetta)
    a.  Asian Code against Cancer (Manami Inoue)
    b.  Meetings 2022: Spring virtual WG and Fall hybrid GMM
    c.  Open discussion
7. Closing  (Daehee Kang)

Call for presentation

If you would like to present the results or progress of your project at the meeting, please inform us in the registration form by September 30th.
This year we would like to share pre-recorded 5 min. presentations followed by 5 min. Q&A. We will email presenters details beginning of October with a deadline to submit the recordings by October 18th.


The ACC Coordinating Center
Center for Public Health Sciences
National Cancer Center Japan
5-1-1 Tsukiji, Tokyo 104-0045, JAPAN
Tel: +81-(0)3-3547-5201